It Happened To Us. It Could Happen To You. The Nick and Donna Nickerson Family.
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It Happened To Us - The Nick and Donna Nickerson Family
It Happened To Us. It Could Happen To You. The Nick and Donna Nickerson Family.
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It Happened To Us
At the Idaho Ranch Hilltop Campsite

We Are Fighting Back - Day 47

Some Questions Have Disturbing Answers

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Today is Day 47. Hope you are all enjoying the holiday season and are excited about the new year. Today was a beautiful day on the hill. We had a wonderful time visiting, sharing campfire meals, and roasting marshmallows with friends. God has provided wonderful homes for our livestock and their guardians. Though we will miss them and are suffering the loss of needing to let them go, we are very thankful they will be well taken care of and that they can be a blessing to some very special friends.

If you are following our story, you are most likely wondering how any of what is happening to us can be happening in America, and especially in Idaho or Montana. Are public officials really so fearful of political fallout that they are willing to do nothing to stop the persecution and oppression of an innocent family? What caused those we trusted and who swore to uphold the Constitution to suddenly turn on us and join this targeted assault? Why would our Idaho Ranch be raided and our personal belongings be seized and destroyed without cause, right, notice, and outside the authority of the law? Why are we being so viciously attacked when we are the ONLY ones in this entire wrongful foreclosure attempt who have told the truth; done nothing wrong unless being hard working, genuine Christians has become illegal in America; sacrificially stood for what is right; honorably bore all the financial, physical, and emotional burdens of fighting a battle for religious freedoms, property rights, and due process for around a decade; faithfully and meticulously followed all laws, regulations, and contractual obligations; and sought relief within our American justice system rationally and with integrity? Why would fellow American citizens intentionally make up lies and maliciously slander our good names, stellar reputations, consistent testimonies, and formerly perfect credit with claims that have no factual basis whatsoever? Why would any intelligent, educated, and socially developed society so quickly accept false narratives and allow them to spread, seed, and grow into such cruel and inhumane attacks and assaults against their own citizens? Is it really possible for the American public to be so easily duped and conned into joining meritless bandwagons? Are they really so quick to blindly follow fraudulent claims by known banksters, mortgage robbers, and their greedy and compromised accomplices? Do common sense, common decency, and common societal integrity still exist or are they being slaughtered on common social media one post at a time? Free speech means the freedom to tell the truth to help foster, promote, and preserve liberty and justice for all; to maintain the status quo of innocent until proven guilty; to preserve a more perfect union where tyranny, oppression, and persecution are and cannot be permitted. It is not the freedom to take away other's freedoms of life, liberty, religious freedoms, property rights, a peaceful existence, the pursuit of happiness because you have different political agendas or way of life preferences. Wake up, America. Most of these questions have very disturbing answers.

Thankfully, our family commitment to do the right thing is really not impacted by what others think, say, or do. We do what is right because it is right. Since the right thing has not changed, we are and will continue to stand in this battle against injustice. Whether we have answers to all our questions or understand everything that is happening or not, it is in God we trust. He is the source of our strength. He is our hope that everything will all work out for good. He is the keeper and defender of our faith. It is happening to us. What will you do when it happens to you? Will you stand? Will you speak up against injustice when it is the right thing to do?

For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

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