The law calls the following acts theft, vandalism, and terrorism, especially when no notice or warrant is served and it occurs outside lawful court authority.
November 12, 2019
Orofino, Idaho
Police Powers of the State of Idaho. Hired agents and accomplices of JPMorgan Chase and PHH Mortgage Corp. Those who, by their actions and inactions, acted as accomplices.
Clearwater County committed, allowed, and facilitated acts of theft, vandalism, and mortgage terrorism and executed grave miscarriages of justice at our Nickerson Family Idaho Ministry Ranch. These acts occurred without service, notice or warrant and outside any lawful court authority.
August 2017 -
Chris Goetz, the acting sheriff of Clearwater County, claimed he did not have the authority to stop the unlawful sale of our ranch.
Key points: He admitted to seeing fraud all over the documents. He requested instructions from the Clearwater County Prosecuting Attorney on how to stop the sale. Despite evidence of fraud and our lawful objections, he went ahead and held an unlawful sale. At the sale, he refused to allow the parcels to be sold separately in accordance with Idaho law, accepted a grotesquely inadequate sale price in violation of law and regulation, and allowed a non-creditor to credit bid in violation of the judgment. Why would a good sheriff do that? Because Clearwater County Prosecutor Clayne Tyler threatened to hold Chris Goetz personally liable if he did not sell the property. To protect his personal interests, Chris Goetz executed an expired writ that referenced a void judgment, was not sealed with the seal of the Court, was not subscribed by the clerk, and was not lawfully issued in the name of the People. All these
was nots were illegalities that rendered the sale nonbinding and unenforceable. By fact and law, our property was not lawfully sold in August 2017. Therefore, no alleged rights to act were secured or attempts to remove or dispossess our family can be lawfully executed.
August 2018 - Chris Goetz, the acting sheriff of Clearwater County, claimed he did not have the authority to refuse to sign a Sheriff's Deed to PHH even though the deed would be invalid on its face, void, unlawful, nonbinding, lawfully unenforceable, and illegal. PHH did not have any lawful beneficial interest in our ranch and all rights secured through summary judgment are based on fraudulent claims and judgments. Further, the alleged Sheriff's Sale created triple indemnity for us (Genworth, Chase, PHH), and the judicial errors surrounding it nullified our rights to redemption. Why would a good sheriff sign the deed when it defied common sense to knowingly issue a deed he knew was fraudulently obtained, based on a wrongful foreclosure action, would hurt an innocent homeowner, and was against his conscience? Because Clearwater County Prosecutor Clayne Tyler and Deputy Prosecutor Lori Gilmore threatened he would lose his job if he did not sign it. To protect his personal interests, Chris Goetz signed it. What does this mean? He signed over the title of a property to a thief with a national rap sheet when he had reviewed documentation that proved the property was stolen.
July 2019 - Judge FitzMaurice denied our rights to due process and a trial by jury; ignored evidence of fraud on the Court that voided all underlying judgments; acted as a trier of fact to render summary judgment in the ejectment action; and issued a Writ of Ejectment (i.e. order for us to remove our personal belongings from the property). Since ejectment is not codified in Idaho, which means there are no laws on the books regarding ejectment actions, this is a precedent setting case and ruling. Further, since ejectment is not codified, it falls under common law. Common law ejectment actions are initiated to dispossess rightful owners of properties. Thus, they require new claims of ownership or right to act to be firmly established. Since PHH cannot lawfully establish ownership, and new evidence proves fraud, we filed an appeal in the Idaho Supreme Court in accordance with the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure. We also maintained contact and communication with Chris Goetz to ensure we, our property, and our persons were not at risk or in jeopardy or in violation of any laws. We walked the highest road of keeping the peace that could be expected of any victim. Any other claims are slanderous, constitute defamation of character, and should be considered felonious attempts to justify unlawful and immoral actions. Further, we consistently communicated no due process had occurred, provided evidence all claims by PHH and Chase were fraudulent, made ourselves available to answer any questions or refute any contradictory claims, and repeatedly affirmed it was not our desire to be a problem or cause any conflict. We repeatedly extended the long arm of friendship to the law and verbalized our desire for a lawful and peaceful resolution of this matter.
September 2019 - Chris Goetz, the acting sheriff of Clearwater County, announced to us the bank had cancelled the writ and voided the $40 check he was paid to eject us. We are unsure if any money for a move had been provided and was also included in this announcement. What matters is no eviction or ejectment actions were in place and the writ had been retracted. At all times, Chris Goetz indicated he would notify us if anything changed or any further actions were initiated. Further, he affirmed we were rightfully and lawfully on our property and that no conflict or problems between he, Clearwater County, and our family existed.
November 12, 2019 - Chris Goetz, the acting sheriff of Clearwater County,
invaded and raided our Idaho Ranch outside of any lawful authority. Seized items were transported hours away to a concealed location and then ultimately out of state. Personal belongings, livestock, and pets were left on the property and not removed as falsely claimed by press release (see below). Sheriff's deputies helped remove our property and drive it away, not just the moving company. Why would a good sheriff misrepresent the facts? What he would do to you if you misrepresented the facts? If you are a bankster or a Clearwater County District Court Judge, apparently nothing. However, if not, beware. We told the truth and represented all the facts correctly and look what has been done to us! We were allowed to retrieve select live animals post the raid, but their food, portable security pens, and all other items have been held hostage by hired guns working for JPMorgan Chase ever since. The keys to the property were given to Jim Meyers of JAS Properties in Kooskia, Idaho, who has claimed to be the hired gun in charge. The ranch, our agricultural operations, personal belongings, utilities, safety, security, and identity have all been maliciously violated, damaged, injured, and abused ever since. An extended family member, who was rightfully and lawfully on our property the morning of November 12, 2019, was arrested and Clearwater County Prosecutor CCP filed charges against her for trespass and obstruction. A trial date has not yet been set. A pre-trial conference scheduled for January 29, 2020, was continued multiple times. Finally, in June 2022, these charges were dismissed. More will be added on this soon.

Picture of the retaining wall
How can someone be arrested for being on a property owned by their family and that they have permission to be when they have not been served or noticed they need to leave? Why would an American citizen willingly leave their property they were in lawful possession of when their personal belongings were all still on the property and no warrant, affidavit, rights or reason for arrest was verbally or in writing presented to them? Why would a homeowner leave a property when they
personally heard a sheriff (Chris Goetz) tell them that the bank had stopped all ejectment and eviction attempts, promised to let them know if anything changed, and he had not done so? Why should a homeowner agree to leave their property just because a bunch of cocky officers armed with assault rifles unlawfully entered the home they were staying at by breaking their window, hanging up their phone, double handcuffing them, then sitting them out in the freezing rain for an extended period of time on a cold wet brick retaining wall, without telling them why they were there and disclosing what right they had to be there? How can someone be charged or arrested when they did not do anything wrong? Why is Clearwater County paying for CCP Clayne Tyler, the acting County Prosecutor (CP), to put on this show of force in prosecuting her to cover his backside for ordering the county law enforcement to spend county funds to get involved in a civil matter and attack and destroy the private property of an innocent family?
This is the public statement released by the Sheriff. As you can see below, all of our property was not removed. Clearwater County Sheriff Deputies helped remove and drive our property across county lines, not just the moving company.
Below are some of the Personal Inventory List pages provided by the Altisource agent to identify items left behind by the sheriff. Many large and costly items are included on these lists. All are precious. Items not belonging to our family were also left on the ranch. The agent claimed a copy of these lists was posted on the house. We cannot confirm whether this occurred or not. We were allowed to review and expand this list and were promised access to the ranch to retrieve our remaining belongings. It has never happened. Some of the items on this list were retrieved after they were hauled to Lewis County in a trash receptacle and dumped. Much has been damaged, destroyed, and burned. Regardless, does this looks like all of the Nickerson's property has been removed?
Evidence of Collusion and Civil Racketeering (2002 to Present):
Felony offenses have been committed in Clearwater County with complete impunity. Clearwater County Sheriff Chris Goetz failed to uphold and enforce the law by refusing to charge JPMorgan Chase, PHH, Just Law, Clearwater Land and Title, and their agents and attorneys of record, for knowingly filing fraudulent documents in the Clearwater County records, presumably to hide criminal activity and secure racketeered summary judgments to steal our ranch. Prosecuting these banksters and mortgage robbers, previously convicted of committing the same crimes against hundreds of other Idaho property owners, for the felony offenses committed against us and the Clearwater County land records, would have exposed the prejudice, bias and corruption of the District Court rulings and helped save our ranch and protect Clearwater County. Why would a good sheriff not do that? Because Clearwater County Prosecutor Clayne Tyler obdurately refused to prosecute these felony offenses. Tyler decided, allegedly acting on behalf of Clearwater County, that Clearwater County is a small county and he is not going to go against the big banks. So instead of Sheriff Chris Goetz and Investigator Mitch Jared working together to take down some national bad guys, save an innocent family from being wrongly persecuted, and help expose big corruption in Idaho, the falsified records were ignored and the Clearwater County endorsed attack on our family was allowed to continue.
Testimony of Victims:
This is not a foreclosure action. This is a targeted assault on our family. No lawful dispossession of our property has occurred or can occur. We are being persecuted for our faith, leadership, Christian worldview, and conservative ideals. Wrongful foreclosure summary judgments were secured without due process based on fraudulent lending practices, acute regulatory failure, widespread systemic corruption, categorical procedural manipulation, treasonous judicial tyranny, ignored civil racketeering, politically motivated collusion, and well-funded crony capitalism. PHH has no lawful beneficial interest in our property. This attack was launched by Chase because of our faith, not because of a default on our part. We were on time and current with our payments in January when Chase transferred servicing to PHH. PHH took over our loan servicing in February, claimed default, refused all further payments, violated federal lending guidelines, and began foreclosure. More details are included throughout this website.
This is and was not a money issue. We did not default or fail to make payments. PHH refused to accept payments, research their false claims of payments of default, or allow us access to any records or employees that could validate or refute their claims. PHH simply took over the loan, refused all further payments, and told us they were going to foreclose. There is a big difference in not paying your bills and a creditor claiming a fake default (the day they take over their loan) and then refusing someone's payments. PHH admitted they refused our payments in court responses and filings. They claimed default was their reason, but all truth, facts, and evidence demonstrates we were not in default in January 2010 when PHH took over the servicing of our loan and PHH proved the inaccuracy of their claimed default by changing their claims of default by over $11,000 during the litigation. There was no default. Even if there was, billions of dollars were given to Chase and PHH to help homeowners keep their homes if they did default. Our home was foreclosed as a punishment for having a disfavored worldview, not because we failed to make payments.
"PHH is unaware of any payments made or not made by the Nickersons to Chase."
Plaintiff's Response to Defendant Nickersons' Request for Admissions
"Because of the default and determination to foreclose, PHH declined to accept any further payments from the Nickersons unless those payments were going to cure in full the total amount of default plus accrued interest and costs…”
Affidavit in Support of Summary Judgment, by Ronald E. Casperite, executed 10-12-12, filed 10-16-12
"Interrogatory No. 20: Please list all occasions PHH refuse a payment from the Nickersons, including the date, the amount of payment, and who was present.
Answer: PHH does not keep a log of dates, amount of payments, and persons present when a payment may be refused. When you defaulted on your note and PHH elected to foreclose, it does not accept payments unless the full amount in default is cured together with all interest, costs and expenses."
Plaintiff’s Response to Defendant Nickersons’ First Set of Interrogatories and Requests For Production
"PHH refused to accept any further payments from the Nickersons until the total amount in default was paid. (Second Affidavit of Ronald Casperite.)"
Memorandum in Support of Plaintiff’s Second Motion for Summary Judgment
Some of our witness testimony regarding payments.
I made all payments I was allowed to make, knew to make or was instructed to make by Chase and to Chase, and was current and in good standing with Chase in January 2010.
A Chase employee named Kim who we trusted and believed told us our account was in current and in good standing as of January 2010.
A Wells Fargo employee named Heather reviewed a credit report in January 2010 and told us Chase represented and reported that we were current on this account. We relied on these representations.
According to Chase’s account history, we were not in default as of January 21, 2010.
Upon the alleged transfer of servicing from Chase to PHH, PHH immediately claimed a default of 14 missed payments.
My wife and I disputed the default and requested PHH to provide the account records. PHH refused to research the disputed default and claimed they did not have the account records. On July 3, 2012, PHH stated, in response to the Nickersons request for admissions, “PHH is unaware of any payments made or not made by the Nickersons to Chase.”
Since, in February of 2010, PHH, by their own admission, was unaware of any payments made or not made by the Nickersons to Chase, then PHH could not claim a default.
PHH would not, did not and has not allowed me or my wife to make any payments since February 2010.
PHH would not and did not provide me with any proof of default/
PHH blatantly refused to accept payments, refused to research and provide proof of the alleged default, and blocked all efforts and attempts we made to resolve the disputed default.
As of November 2013, PHH claims the Nickersons missed 9 monthly payments which contradicts PHH’s claim of 14 missed monthly payments in February 2010. This is an $11,000 difference and is basis for PHH’s claims to be dismissed because the Nickersons were never presented with the default amount nor given the opportunity to cure it.
Affidavit in Support of Motions to Reconsider, 2014
Our loan was current in January 2010. PHH assumed servicing of our loan in February 2010, and refused to accept any payments from that time on. PHH falsely claimed default began on January 1, 2009. We disputed PHH’s false claim of default and asked them to provide an account record. PHH stated to us that they did not have any account records. In 2010, we repeatedly provided PHH with evidence documenting payments we had made to Chase in 2009 and 2010. PHH told us the account was in foreclosure, they could not accept payments, and instructed us any monies received would not be credited to our account, but would go toward the costs of foreclosure. PHH refused to credit our payments and refused to accept any further payments. Then PHH attempted to foreclose non-judicially when they knew it was against Idaho law, I.C. § 45-1502. Our neighbors notified us that the non-judicial foreclosure was posted in the local newspaper. Our former attorney notified PHH that according to the law they could not foreclose non-judicially on our property. PHH stopped the non-judicial foreclosure and proceeded with the judicial foreclosure.
Affidavit of Charles Nickerson in Opposition to Summary Judgment, 2019
As the alleged servicer of our loan, PHH Mortgage Services has access to records and testimony that prove my wife and I were not in default and that we were owed money in February 2010.
PHH Mortgage Services refused to allow my wife or I, our attorney, or any other third party to make a payment on our property. PHH Mortgage Services assumed servicing of our loan in February 2010 and refused all monies and resolution attempts thereafter.
Affidavit of Charles Nickerson in Support of Motion to Reconsider Summary Judgment Order, 2019
Our attempts to pay off the loan, sell the property, finish paying out the loan, or stop the foreclosure in anyway were denied. Because we chose not to submit to the theft of our ranch and unlawful persecution of our Christian faith, our persons, personal belongings, and entire financial portfolio were attacked by these entities and their accomplices. We fought back and are resolutely determined and committed to continue to fight back with prayer, resolve, publicity, and justice until our ranch is saved, our good name is cleared, and all corruption regarding this matter, from the lowest to the highest levels, is exposed.
Conflicts of interest and potential motives that establish personal interests and generate concerns Idaho public officials might not act on our behalf:
Did you know the county sheriff works for and answers to the county prosecuting attorney?
Neither did we. However, it has been repeatedly confirmed that this is how Clearwater County has and is being functionally run. This unConstitutional hierarchy structure opens the corruption doors wide open, compromises the sovereignty of the United States Constitution in Idaho, and questions the sobriety of all county wide interests of justice. Scary? It is to us. What has happened to us and others should make it scary to you too.
Did you know the wife of the local sheriff works for Clearwater Land and Title?
Neither did we...until after the alleged sale occurred and the deed was signed and we were questioning why the title company was not being investigated.
Did you know we have been told the daughter of the local surveyor Cuddy is the Court Clerk Carrie Bird?
Neither did we...until we were researching errors and contradictions in the county records and wanted to know why Carrie Bird was not interested in looking into the fraud. It appears moving property boundaries and legalizing unlawful land acquisitions in Clearwater County may have been going on with complete impunity for a long time. More research on this when time allows.
Did you know research has shown the State of Idaho has around 50M shares in JPMorgan Chase stock and that Idaho pensions are held and controlled by Chase?
Neither did we. Supporters and researchers concerned with the lack of inaction by Idaho public officials did an investigation and discovered this information for us. Additional fact checking by us is required for us to confirm and provide definitive details, but it certainly provides good incentive for Idaho to look the other way on our case. If any of you are able to corroborate this information, please let us know so we can pass this information on in our reports to the FBI and Department of Justice.
Did you know Clearwater County Judge Gregory FitzMaurice is an appointed, not elected judge?
Not only were we denied our Constitutional rights to a trial by jury, but a man who has not been voted on by the people, acted as a trier of fact and ordered, with an invalid writ, the theft, vandalism, and terrorism of our family and private property. Research demonstrates Idaho's appointed versus elected judge statistics create extremely biased and prejudiced benches, especially with the decade long push to deny trials and grant summary judgments. It appears to us many of the summary judgments being granted directly violate Constitutional rights. This brings into question whether Idaho is upholding the United States Constitution and maintaining its authority as the Supreme Law of the Land. Can politically motivated agendas be legislated by the bench through pre-determined partisan precedents? History and research demonstrate they can.
Did you know Clearwater County Judge Michael Griffin determined no proof of default had been presented to the court?
However, he then allowed a hired contractor that had never been an employee of either bank create an illustrative account history to show default. He prepared this narrative specifically for legislation in violation of the rules of civil procedure and summary judgment standards. Why would Judge Griffin allow this and why did the banks not just produce the actual account records? Because all true records from Chase demonstrate we did not default and show how Chase hid our payments in suspense accounts and wrongly applied them. Since PHH had already admitted they took over the loan and refused all further payments, there was nothing for them to produce. We have prepared a video entitled,
We Did Not Default that addresses this issue in detail. We made our payments. We did not default.
Did you know all reports we were given a year to show we did not default and could not are slanderous and defamatory misrepresentations?
Summary judgment hearings were held and judgments were rendered against us without our knowledge, notification, or consent. Thousands of pages of documentation has been submitted to the court to prove PHH does not own our property, we owe PHH no debt, and we did not default on any debt. The banks have lied and filed felonious documents in the county records. The banks and their agents have committed fraud on the court. The banks have committed crimes and broken state and federal regulations and laws. All evidence and genuine issues of material fact we presented to establish our valid legal claims have been ignored and not considered by a court acting as a bank court, not an "ensure equal access to justice for both parties" court.
Did you know Clearwater County has allowed the foreclosure of our property and forced a physical dispossession of our ranch by violent means when no account records, notations, taped recordings, employee testimonies, or other admissible proof were ever presented to the court that show we defaulted? Why would Clearwater County do this? Because truth, facts, and evidence prove we made every payment we were allowed to make. The only way for the banks to win was to prevent us from having a trial by jury and letting our evidence be heard in a full and fair contest. Clearwater County Judge Michael Griffin held summary judgment proceedings and rendered judgments without our knowledge, presence, or participation in violation of Idaho law.
Judge Griffin then crafted rulings that could not be reviewed or reversed by failing to provide opinions and memorandums. Causing the Idaho Supreme Court to rule against us and affirm his rulings established the illusion there was some sort of credibility or legality to his rulings. There is not. Nonetheless, the pen of the Idaho Supreme Court empowered Judge Griffin to hide what went on in his court from further scrutiny or investigation and left us without any advocate in the law. Thus, this acting bank court established fraudulent laws of the case to prevent due process and a trial by jury. Why would he do this? Many possible answers to this question exist. It was the only way for judgment to be rendered against us. Threats. Blackmail. Political advancement. However, bank accounts and direct evidence of racketeering and crony capitalism would need to be investigated by those with the authority to do so in order for us to prove his motives. No one has stepped forward to do this for us and freedom, liberty, and justice for all. We may never know what caused this judge to rule so unjustly. What we know is we made our payments and were on time and current when PHH took over our loan and began foreclosure. Account records, notations, recordings, and employee testimonies all prove this and could have established this beyond a reasonable doubt. We were denied due process and a trial by jury by this judge acting as a trier of facts in violation of our Constitutional rights. Our family has suffered immensely for his decisions and the value, worth, and significance of our American citizenship is being annulled and revoked because of this judge's failure to uphold and enforce the laws of the land.
Did you know Clearwater County and the State of Idaho are guilty of these and other grave miscarriages of justice and their extreme liability and exposure in this matter have caused them to allow us to be further damaged, injured, and attacked? All the fact checkers and researchers out there who have claimed differently have either incompetently reviewed the record or they need to explain their intentional misrepresentation of the facts of this case to you and the rest of America. None of the actions of Clearwater County and the State of Idaho have been, or can be, warranted or justified.
Did you know former Clearwater County Judge Michael Griffin admitted there was a break of the chain of title?
This prevented PHH from having beneficial interest (i.e. ownership of debt or right to foreclose) and demonstrated fraud on the Court by Chase and PHH (for lying about beneficial interest), but he ruled in their favor anyway. Why? Because Kipp Manwarring of Idaho Falls (PHH attorney) told him the break did not matter. Judge Griffin acted as a bank court and let the bank attorney direct the law of the case. Below is a transcript of a discussion between Judge Griffin and PHH's attorney. This discourse corroborates a genuine issue of material fact regarding PHH's claims of ownership exists. Unfortunately for justice and the integrity of the Clearwater County land records, he chose to ignore this dispute that prevented summary judgment and rule in favor of the bank anyway. We have made a video entitled
Contradictory Chain of Title Claims that addresses and explains all the fraud and criminal activities surrounding the contradictory claims of the chain of title in more detail. This video demonstrates willful fraud on the court and intent to defraud us of our property.
(Edited for clarity)
Judge Griffin: Okay now in the papers that have been submitted to the court…there’s a letter talking about it going from Coldwell to Chase does there have to be an assignment from Coldwell to Chase in the beginning? I couldn’t find that in the file…I didn’t find an assignment from Coldwell to Chase in the beginning I didn’t know if there needed to be one or not.
Attorney for PHH: Uh, I think if there was an issue regarding Chase’s ability to foreclose you would have to show that by assignment that’s dually recorded…
Judge Griffin: Okay and so you have documents in the file which reference the loan, the original loan, and uh, you have documents which you uh, indicate show that PHH is the beneficial holder…
Did you know elected, appointed, and hired public officials in Idaho are guilty of Misprison of Felony?
We do and are praying everyone in America will soon know too.
18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprison of felony. Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
*More truth, facts, documentation, and other evidence will be provided to further corroborate the above concerns as time allows.
This investigation is ongoing.
Relevant History:
We have known Sheriff Chris Goetz for years, around seventeen. Prior to November 12, we would have introduced you to him as an acquaintance friend and described him as a good, honest family man. However, this acting sheriff who claimed he had no authority to stop crimes from being committed; who failed to act on his own, and in accordance with his own conscience, rather than be intimidated by, of all people, Clayne Tyler; and who ignored the blatant persecution of an innocent family because of the personal cost to him if he stood up for them; suddenly decided he had the authority to break the law on November 12. Why? Because a big bank told him too. Based on our previous experience, something was done to convince him it was the best way to protect his personal interests. What did he do? He set up an ambush and led an armed invasion of a private property by violent means without warrant or authority to seize and destroy the personal belongings of an innocent family.
Why would he do this? We would like to know. Every law abiding citizen should want to know. What we know is what happened in Clearwater County is not lawful, normal, or acceptable in a free and moral society. If you are a Christian who pays your bills, has substantial equity in your property, takes care of your personal belongings, and has done nothing that could warrant or justify you and your family being attacked, beware! You may be next. The big banks have done it to
millions of others, and, now, thanks to the actions and inactions of Idaho public officials, they know it is okay to do it in Clearwater County. Below is evidence of their theft, vandalism, and mortgage terrorism. This is what they did that we have been able to compile so far. It will be expanded as time allows. We are also compiling a victim list. This has happened to others too. The documentation below shows only some of what happened to our personal belongings when Chris Goetz, acting personally and on behalf of Clearwater County, hired treasure assassins and North American Van Lines
to move our goods and chattels to safe storage. This is only a part of our story of what happened to us...