It Happened To Us. It Could Happen To You. The Nick and Donna Nickerson Family.
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      It Could Happen To You
It Happened To Us - The Nick and Donna Nickerson Family
It Happened To Us. It Could Happen To You. The Nick and Donna Nickerson Family.
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It Happened To Us
Glimpses of the Idaho Ranch Invasion and Raid
November 12, 2019
The day that changed our history

It Happened To Us - Idaho Ranch Invasion and Raid
We were in lawful possession of our ranch that fateful morning.
On the morning of November 12, 2019, we had no reason to think our Idaho Ranch, personal belongings, or family were, or could be, at risk or in jeopardy. We were fighting a wrongful foreclosure, but an appeal was in place and our judicial options for protecting our property rights were not exhausted. All laws, regulations, truth, facts, and authentic evidence were, and are, on our side. New evidence proved fraud and collusion and reversed all judgments in favor of PHH and JPMorgan Chase. We had not been served or noticed any eviction or ejectment had been initiated or was in place. All previous efforts to evict or eject us had been retracted and cancelled. Handling such actions is the responsibility of the local sheriff, and Clearwater County Sheriff Chris Goetz had given us his professional assurances and personal word that no new eviction or ejectment had been initiated by the bank. He promised to let us know immediately if anything changed. We woke up in America that fateful morning believing we had the lawful right to be safe and secure in our cozy log home in Idaho. Irrefutably, we were in rightful and lawful possession of our Idaho Ranch. We were not criminals who warranted or deserved a militaristic or SWAT style raid. We were simply homeowners who were getting our day started. Chores were already finished. We had hung our American flag. Our normal morning routines were completed or in process. The morning topic was who to invite for Thanksgiving dinner.

We were innocent homeowners getting ready to eat breakfast.
The Sheriff's message came in around 8:30 a.m. He called to ask if we could come down the mountain for a 9 a.m. visit at his office. We were preparing to eat a late breakfast so we asked if we could schedule it for a different time. He told us he had a 9:30 a.m. meeting with the County Commissioners and would like to meet with us first. He stated nothing was wrong and that he just wanted to give us an update. To honor him and his schedule, we set our breakfast back in the oven and prepared to head his way. Little did we know our lives were about to be changed forever.